If you follow my YouTube page, you might've seen that I posted an announcement trailer for my new game "The Lumlings Welcome You"! It's a 3D platforming adventure collect-o-thon, similar to the likes of an easter egg hunt, and it's gonna be released on Newgrounds by next week. I'll have a specific date by then.
I have a feeling it'll feel at home here, with hand-drawn and lighthearted visuals and simple, easy to digest and casual gameplay. As of now I am just finishing UI elements and finishing the 2nd level, updates are planned for the near future.
Announcement trailer can be found here
Looks incredible! Can’t wait.
You should change the sun to your own design instead of the Mario 3 one though. It sticks out in a bad way against the other assets
bannanalizard (Updated )
that and i avoid nintendo suplexing me... ill change it